Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I believe in Purgatory, and many souls go there.
It's a pity many people does not believe it so let us pray a lot
for the souls in purgatory. 

The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer.
The Gregorian Mass is very beneficial to them as well.

We can always pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
The Chaplet of Mercy.
The Way of the Cross,
The Chaplet of the Holy Wounds,
The Seven Offerings of the Most Precious Blood,
and many others.

What other prayer for souls in purgatory do you wish others to know, feel free to
add them here.  Thank you for visiting my post.
I'd like to read your comments, too.

Eternal Father, I offer You
The Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
In union with the Masses said throughout the world today
for the souls in purgatory,
for sinners everywhere,
for sinners in the universal church,
those in my own home
and within my family.



Sunday, October 28, 2012


How would you like your life to end?

Surely, everyone would like a happy ending.

To this effect, I 'd rather consider the four Keys to Heaven:  (Ref. Pieta Prayer Booklet  p.44)
  • Mass
  • Rosary
  • Scapular
  • Way of the cross


The First Key to Heaven:  The Holy Mass

Being grateful to God for all He has done for us to save us from sin,
by going  to Mass frequently or everyday.

During the Holy Mass, we should remain silent and composed,
listen to the prayers of the celebrant,
listen to the readings and the Gospels attentively,
listen to the homily so that we can practice in our daily life
the teachings of Christ.
It is best for us to participate in the singing
and respond properly in the Psalm and dialog part.

It is good that this new Response Guide is used in our Catholic Churches.
Copies are available at St. Paul's Bookstore.

The second Key To Heaven:  The Holy Rosary of the Blessed
Virgin Mary

 Praying the ROSARY is
being grateful to the Blessed Virgin Mary
who brought Jesus to us by
Her "Fiat"-
her "Yes" to God's Will.
She became the "New Ark"-
A living tabernacle for the newly manifested Presence of God.
Her Divine Maternity
being the Mother of the Son of God
makes her a very POWERFUL
INTERCESSOR for all poor sinners
before Jesus.

The third Key to Heaven:  The Brown Scapular 

By wearing the BROWN SCAPULAR
we are reminded of our love for the Blessed Mother of God
and her love for us
 which would keep us from commiting sin
thus, keeping our soul holy, and our hearts pure.

"By Thy pure and Immaculate Concepcion, O Mary,
make our body pure and my soul holy."

The fourth Key to Heaven:  The Way of the Cross


Promises of  Our Lord to those who have devotion to The Way of the Cross
given to a Privileged Soul, Brother Estanislao (1903-1927)
Reference:  Pieta Prayer Booklet pp. 44-45

1.  I'll grant everything that's asked of Me with faith, when making The Way of the Cross.

2.  I promise Eternal Life to those who pray from time to time, The Way of the Cross.

3. I'll follow them everywhere in life and I'll help them, especially at the hour of death.

4.  Even if they have more sins than blades of grass in the fields, and grains of sand in the sea,
all of them will be erased by The Way of the Cross.  (Note:  This promise
doesn't eliminate the obligation to confess all mortal sins, and this,
before we can receive Holy Communion).

5.  Those who pray The Way of the Cross often, will have a special glory in heaven.

6.  I'll deliver them from Purgatory, indeed if they go there at all, the first Tuesday or Friday
after their death.

7.  I'll bless them at each Way of the Cross, and My blessing will follow them everywhere
on earth and, after their death, in Heaven for all eternity.

8.  At the hour of death I won't permit the devil to tempt them;  I'll lift all power from him
in order that they'll repose tranquilly in My arms.

9.  If they pray it with true love, I'll make of each one of them a living Ciborium in which it will
please Me to pour My grace.

10.  I'll fix My eyes on those who pray The Way of the Cross often; My hands will always
 be open to protect them.

11.  As I am nailed to the Cross, so also will I always be with those who honor Me
in making The Way of the Cross frequently.

12.  They'll never be able to separate themselves from Me,
for I'll give them the grace
never again to commit a mortal sin.

13.  At the hour of death, I'll console them with My Presence
and we'll go together to Heaven.
Death will be sweet to all those who have honored Me during their lives
by praying The Way of the Cross.

14.  My Soul will be a protective shield for them, and
will always help them, whenever they have recourse.

In this connection, I invite you to read these books:
 The Hours of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Luisa Picarreta; and,

The Treasure of the Holy Face of Jesus
Nihil Obstat
Ecclesiastical Approbation
Montreal, Canada
July 5, 1993

Try to see if they are still in this address:
P.O. Box 1000, Station A, Montreal, Que. Canada  H3C 2W9

Death is inevitable
but nobody knows when
that's why
we should be prepared before it happens.

I envy the people who died a holy death like Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

To prepare properly for a happy ending,
it is wise for us to immerse ourselves in the ocean of His mercy.

Let us always remember the ABC's of MERCY:

A  -  ASK for His Mercy.  God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly,
repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us
and upon the whole world.

B  -  Be mercful to others  He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others
just as He does to us.

C - Complete Trust in Jesus.  God wants us to know that the graces of His
mercy are dependent upon our trust.  The more we trust
in Jesus, the more we will receive.

Ask for His Mercy

"Ask and it will be given to you... for everyone who asks receives." (Mt. 7:7, 8).

Our Lord to Faustina said:  "Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me.
to such souls I grant even more graces than they ask.  I cannot punish even
 the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion.(Diary 1146).
  Beg for mercy for the whole world (570).
No soul that has called upon My mercy has ever been disappointed" (1541).

Be Merciful to Others

"I give a new commandment... As I have loved you, so you must love
one another" (Jn 13:34).

"Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful" (Lk 6:36).

"Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down,
and overflowing, will be poured into your lap.  For the measure with
which you measure will in return be measured out to you" (Lk 6:38).

"If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive
your transgressions" (Mt. 6:14-15).

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy" (Mt 5:7).

"Then the king will say to those on His right,  'Come,
you who are blessed by My Father.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave Me food,
I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink, a stranger and you welcomed Me.naked and
you clothed Me, ill and you cared for Me, in prison and you visited Me. (Mt 25:34-36).

Our Lord to Faustina:  "I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for Me.
You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere.
You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it...
Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works" (Diary, 742).

"If a soul does not excercise mercy in some way,
it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment" (1317).

Complete Trust in Jesus

Our Lord to Faustina:  "I have opened My Heart
as a living fountain of mercy.  Let all souls draw life from it. 
Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust (Diary, 1520).
On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by a lance for all souls--
no one have I excluded! (1182).
I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain
of mercy.  That vessel is this image with the signature:  "Jesus, I trust in You." (327).
 The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only,
and that is--trust.  The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive (1578).
I never reject a contrite heart (1485).
Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than would My mercy not
embrace a trusting soul (1777).
I am Love and Mercy itself.  When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it
with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself,
but radiates them to other souls" (1074).

A Special Promise of Mercy

Our Lord to Faustina:  "I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls
that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy (1109).
Whoever approaches the Fountain of life on this day will be granted
complete forgiveness of sins and punishments (300).
The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion
will obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment" (699).

How I wish all priests, like St. Padre Pio, would aid us to make
a good confession.

We need to make a good confession in order that we will be prepared
for a holy death:  telling the truth, (from the most shameful
to the least without hiding anything from the confessor).

We should go to confession as much as possible frequently
as soon as a big sin is committed being truly sorry
for it and with a firm purpose of amendment
never to commit the same fault again
so that we can receive  holy
communion worthily.

Upon lining up to receive Holy Communion, I pray:
"  Eternal Father, I offer this mass and communion for the intentions of
the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
in reparation for sins,
for the conversion of sinners, and for the poor souls in prugatory."

After receiving Holy Communion, it is best to pray:

The Anima Christi
(A prayer heartily sung is praying twice)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, give me strength.

//Hear me Jesus, hide me in Thy wounds
That I may never leave Thy side
From all the evils that surround me, defend me
And when the call of death arrives,
Bid me come to Thee,
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints forever.//2X

Prayer Before a Crucifix

Look down upon me, Good and Gentle Jesus,
while before Your Face I humbly kneel
and humbly pray and beseech Thee,
To fix deep in my heart
Lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity,
True contrition for my sins,
and a firm purpose of amendment,
While I ponder in my heart
With great love and tender pity,
Thy Five Wounds,
and calling to mind the words of David,
Thy prophet said of Thee,
"They have pierced My Hands and My Feet,
they have numbered all My Bones."
Our Father (1),  Hail Mary (1),  Glory be...(1)  Credo  (for the Holy Father and His Intentions).

Devotion to the Passion of Jesus is very important for us who wants to follow Jesus
to the very end of our lives.

"If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him take up his cross daily." (Lk 9:23)


On the Judgment day, do you want to hear Jesus say to you:
"Come, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you." (Mt 25:34)

If so click the following links for more information.


For more information please read my other blogs:  Focusing on Jesus with Mary




Thursday, October 25, 2012


When I was just a little girl, I had been suffering from asthma. 

One day, I asked my mother to send for a doctor because I suffered
from hard breath. (In those days, doctors made home visits upon request.)

All alone in the bedroom, I prayed so hard because no matter how I asked
for a doctor she'd only tell me to pray.

I prayed to God to let me die because I could not breath.  Upon praying that,
a thought came to my mind:  If I die, can I go to heaven?  So, I asked, where
is the way to heaven?  Then in my mind came the picture of Mary assumed into
heaven, so I said:  O, since I don't know the entrance to heaven, I'll just hold
on to the feet of Mary being raised up to heaven. But where is Mary?

Good thing I did not die after slashing my left wrist with a big blunt nail.
Good thing, I felt the pain, which I hate, while I tried to slash my wrist.  Then,
I told God.  Never mind.  It's more painful this way than my hard breath.
I promised myself, I'll never do it again.

God's merciful love healed me in time.

 As the years go by, more painful experiences come my way, at least now,
 I know how to accept pains, sufferings, and difficulties.

Thanks to my parents, Zacarias Arquillano Arquillano, and Nieves Leones
Villamor Arquillano who taught me about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints:
in particular, the habit of praying the Holy Rosary alone or with the family, or with
the community, and in the church.

The meditation and contemplation of the Holy Rosary really teaches us how to
practice the virtues of Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph. 

Eventually, this made me love the Holy Eucharist, participate in Holy Hours
of reparation in the Blessed Sacrament, benediction and Holy Masses:  sung or not.


I always loved this very important event in Jesus' sojourn on earth and thanks
to Blessed Pope John Paul II who added the Luminous Mysteries to the three
mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

                                             SORROWFUL AND GLORIOUS MYSTERIES 

I might have missed praying the Holy Rosary as taught cause I sufficed to say
a "HAIL MARY" or just sing it, in my haste to do so many other things like, you
know, the child's play, and in my youth, so many research work in the library,
and things not quite pleasing to God.

I am trying to make reparation for all my wrongs and neglects, with God's help.
I'd like to spend my purgatory here on earth, God-willing.

In my eagerness to make amends, God sent me, one day, someone who generously
and patiently taught me how to make Rosaries for free.  She was an old lady,
a Carmelite Tertiary member, whom I met in the Carmelite Convent in Cebu City.

She taught me where to buy the materials and what number the wire and thread should be.

Thanks God for all the people who made it possible for me to make Rosaries
 and thanks to all who receive them gladly and for those who gave
donations for this work of mercy.

Making rosaries is time consuming and I could finish only at least two or three
the whole day without break.  Through this experience, I realize how taxing it
is to those who solely do this for a living.

A sample of the new rosaries I made recently.  I wish to multiply this a million
times a million times more, God,help me.

Praying, making, and giving away rosaries  brings healing to me and to them who
cheerfully and gratefully received them.  I feel happy to see them happy.

At this point, may I invite you to share your personal faith experiences with me. 
Feel free to download materials here related to the topic.
Thanks for visiting my post.  I enjoy reading your comments and appreciate them
so much. 
You might as well like to read my other posts:
       REFLECTIONS:  FOCUSING ON JESUS http://dionisia1.blogspot.com   
                                    ACCEPTING SUFFERINGS:  MY MENTORS
                                     FOCUSING ON JESUS WITH MARY
                                     TRUSTING IN GOD'S PROVIDENCE
                                      APPRECIATING THE GIFTS OF GOD IN US

For more information regarding the Rosary please click this link:



Wednesday, October 24, 2012


 HIS REAL PRESENCE (to love Jesus more and more and for Spiritual


Focusing on Jesus means adoring Him at the consecration of the bread and wine
 during the Holy Mass.
 At the time the host and wine is elevated, I pray:
 "My Lord and my God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
 Jesus, I love You, have mercy on us poor sinners in the whole world."
Then I mention the names of my family members, friends, benefactors and
especially the souls in purgatory (priests and religious).

Thanks God for the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

During the celebration of the Holy Mass, I recall to mind this event:
 Mary standing at the foot of the Cross.

 Before receiving Holy Communion, silently, I offer the Mass and communion
    for the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the intentions of the
   Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
   for the sanctification of the clergy and religious men and women,
   for the health and intentions of the Holy Father, for the conversion of sinners,
   for the sick, the suffering, and those dying now and in the next twenty-four
   for the souls in purgatory especially (NN), and for my spiritual and temporal
   for more priestly and religious vocations.

Focusing on Jesus means adoring Him in the Adoration Room where His Real
 Presence is Perpetually exposed.

In the Adoration Room, we can bear witness to our belief that Jesus is Really
 Present among us especially in the Holy Sacrament of the altar.

Our visits to the Blessed Sacrament is an expression of our appreciation and
gratitude for His Love for us being with us.

When we visit the Blessed Sacrament we acknowledge our dependency on God.

Focusing on Jesus means acknowledging that my problems are nothing
 compared to the sufferings Jesus endured in His lifetime on earth.

Learning from the saints like St. Padre Pio, and all other saints, we can better
stay focused on Christ.

Being focused on Jesus, I can bear my little daily crosses of routine, humiliations,
 lack of food, difficulties and inconveniences, failures, losses, financial needs
 and health problems.

With Jesus, I can say to the Eternal Father, "Your will be done," and feel at
peace with whatever trial God sends me.

Focusing on Jesus means adoring Jesus in my heart wherever I am, and offering everything I have (my pains, works, joys, plans) whatever I do, for Jesus.  Therefore, I should
always endeavor to be pleasing to Him.


Here, we may silently pray the Holy Rosary, pour out our troubles to the Lord
 in silence, or console Jesus being all alone in the Adoration Room everywhere
 on earth waiting for our visit, we sing silently:
                                 // O Sacrament  Most Holy
                                    O Sacrament Divine
                                    All praise and all thanksgiving
                                    Be every moment Thine
                                    Be every moment Thine.// 7X

Pray:  OUR FATHER (7x),  HAIL MARY (7x),  GLORY BE(7x)

It's always a good thing to pray for others:  our loved ones and our persecutors,
the sick, the suffering and those in their last agony, for the conversion of sinners,
the sanctication of the clergy, for more priestly and religious vocation and for
 the souls in purgatory.

Thanks God for the Adoration Rooms in our Catholic Churches everywhere.
 Many thanks to those who signed up to make their Holy Hour.

 "What we start in the Holy Mass should go on in various ways of coming with
 our Lord's Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament."
                                                                       (+Ricardo Cardinal J.Vidal, D.D.)

Focusing on Jesus also means valuing everything used by Jesus while on earth,
like for example the Olive Trees. 

Click this link and see for yourself if this would help you to focus on Jesus.


How would you like to share with me your ways in Focusing on Jesus.

I would appreciate it very much if you download materials here that would help
 us focus on Jesus.

May all the birthday celebrants of this month enjoy the blessings of being
focused on Jesus all their lives. 

St. Michael, St Gabriel, St. Raphael, and all Holy Guardian Angels and
Saints in heaven, pray for us and protect us always.  Amen.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


"Come, all you who pass by the way, look, and see whether there is any suffering like My suffering,"
                                                                                                                              -Lam 1:12
















((Revealed to the pious, God-loving Sister Mary Magdalen of the Sancta Clara Order, Franciscan, who lived, died and was beatified in Rome).
Jesus fulfilled the wish of this Sister who desired ardently to know something about the secret tortures which He endured the night before His death.
"The Jews considered Me as the most wretched man living on earth so that is why:
1.  They fastened My feet with a rope and dragged Me over the stepping stones of the staircase, down into a filthy, nauseating cellar.
2.  They took off My clothing and stung My body with iron joints.
3.  They attached a rope around My body and pulled Me along the ground, from end to end.
4.  They hanged Me on a wooden piece with a slipknot until I slipped out and fell down.  Overwhelmed by this torture, I wept bloody tears.
5.  They tied Me to a post and pierced My body with various instruments.
6.  They struck Me with stones and burnt Me with blazing embers and torches.
7.  They pierced Me with awls; sharp spears tore My skin, flesh and arteries out of My body.
8.  They tied Me to a post and made Me stand, barefoot on an incandescent metal sheet.
9.  They crowned Me with an iron crown and wrapped My eyes with the dirtiest possible rags. 
10.  They made Me sit on a chair covered with sharp pointed nails, causing deep wounds in My body.
11.  They poured on My wounds liquid lead and resin and, after this torture, they pressed Me on the nailed chair, so the nails went deeper and deeper into My flesh.
12.  For shame and affliction, they drove needles into the holes of My uprooted beard.  Then they tied My hands behind My back and led Me walking out of prison with strikes and blows.
13.  They threw Me upon a cross and attached Me so tightly that I could hardly breath anymore.
14.  They beat My head as I lay on the earth, and they stepped on Me hurting My breast.
15.  They poured into My mouth the most immodest excretions, as they uttered the most infamous expressions about Me.
Then Jesus added:
My daughter, I desire that you let everyone know these FIFTEEN SECRET TORTURES, in order that every one of them be honored."
Anyone who daily offers Me, with love one of these sufferings and says with fervor the following prayer, will be rewarded with eternal glory on the day of judgment."
My Lord and My God, it is my unchangeable will to honor You in these FIFTEEN SECRET TORMENTS when You shed Your Precious Blood.  As many times as there are grains of sand around the seas, as grains of wheat in the fields, as blades of grass in the meadows, as fruits in the orchards, as leaves on the trees, as flowers in the gardens as stars in the sky, as angels in heaven, as creatures on earth:  so many thousands of times  may You be gorified, praised and honored, O most love-worthy
Lord Jesus Christ-Your Holiest Heart, Your Precious Blood, Your Divine Sacrifice for mankind, The  Holiest Sacrament on the altar, The Most Holy Virgin Mary, the nine glorious choirs of Angels and
the Blessed Phalanx of the Saints, from Myself and everyone, now and forever, and in the eternal age."
(With ecclesiastical approval)
Monastery of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
745 St. John's Place Brooklyn, N.Y. 11216

St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face opposed to the proud rationalism
of her day the little way of spiritual childhood, but she also expiated it by terrible
temptations against Faith.  Her cry, "I will Believe!" is well known. (Reference:
St. Padre Pio by Rev. Fr. Jean, OFM., Cap.)

Her suffering from tubercolosis was really a big matter to consider because in those days
this disease had no cure. 

THE SECRET OF THE LITTLE WAY (from the writings of St. Therese):

"My little way is the way of SPIRITUAL CHILDHOOD, the way of TRUST and ABSOLUTE SELF-SURRENDER."


"Never be discouraged at your faults, for little children often fall, but they are too small to do themselves any harm.  The weaker we are and the more wretched, the better material we make for God's consuming and transfiguring fire."


"If my conscience were burdened with all the sins it's possible to commit, I would still go and throw myself into the Lord's arms, my heart all broken up with contrition:  I know what tenderness He has for any prodigal child of His that comes back to Him."


"Our Lord doesn't ask for great achievements, only for self-surrender and for gratitude."

"Love purifies my soul and leaves no trace of sin there, till all my fear of purgatory is lost."

"If you have an unshakable trust that He will purify you at every moment of His love and will leave no trace of sin in you, then you can be quite sure that you will not go to purgatory."


"If you wish to be a saint, and it will not be hard, keep only one end in view:  ALWAYS DO EVERYTHING  IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD."


"I implore You to look down in mercy on a whole multitude of souls that share my littleness; to choose for Yourself a whole legion of victims, so little as to be worthy of Your love."

Padre Pio was born to a poor family and had been suffering from poor health when he was young.

He suffered from his detractors when he had his stigmata, being stripped of his faculties except for the saying of holy mass in private.

"Padre Pio lived sick but died healthy, with the stigmata healed."


"St. Padre Pio, like St. Therese the little flower, had to undergo an almost unbearable
series of crisis of scruples, which tormented him for three years followed by a night of
the soul which lasted for dozens of years, with only occasional glimmers of light."

"Padre Pio also experienced violent and prolonged temptations against Faith, as his
letters to Fr. Agostino testify: 

"Blasphemies cross my mind incessantly, and even more false ideas of infidelity and
unbelief.  It happens continuously."

"I live in a perpetual night.  I find myself troubled by everything and I do not know
if I act well or ill.  I can see that it is not a scruple but the doubt I feel about whether
or not I am pleasing the Lord crushes me.  And this anxiety recurs to me everywhere,
at the altar, in the confessional, everywhere."

"His only way of overcoming these terrible trials is by following what had been taught
him in the novitiate:  perseverance in prayer, mortification of the senses, unshakable
fidelity to the demands of one's duty of state, and perfect obedience to the priest in
 charge of his soul."

"Love is more beautiful in the company of fear, because it is in this way that it
 becomes stronger.  The more one loves God, the less one feels it." 


"Only one thing is necessary:  to lift up your spirit and love God."

"Always live under the eyes of the Good Shepherd and you will walk unharmed through evil pastures."

"Many sins are forgiven you because you have loved much."

"Let us follow the advice of David:  "Raise your hands in the holy places during night and bless the Lord."  Yes, children let us bless Him always and let us pray that He will always be our guide, ship, and our port."

"Often kiss Jesus with affection and you will recompense Him for the sacrilegious kiss of the unfaithful Apostle, Judas."


"He who lives in charity lives in God, because God is charity, as the Apostle says."

"Charity which has not truth and justice for its foundation is faulty."

"To fail in charity is like wounding God in the pupil of His eye."

"To fail in charity is like failing against nature."


"Walk in the way of the Lord with simplicity and do not torment your spirit.  You must hate your defects, but with a quiet hate, not troublesome and restless."

"Lean on the Cross of Jesus as the Virgin did and you will not be deprived of comfort."

"Mary as if paralyzed before Her crucified Son, but one cannot say that she was abandoned by Him.  Rather, how much more did she love Him when she suffered and could not even weep?"

Be comforted with this divine thought that your spiritual and physical pains are the test of the Divine Will."

"All lovers of Jesus must conform themselves always more to this divine and eternal model."

"You should rather humble yourself before God than be distressed if He reserves for you the sufferings of His Son, and makes you experience your weakness."

"You should feel at home with the sufferings which it pleases Jesus to send you, since you always have to live with them.  Acting thus you think less of being freed from them.  Jesus will comfort you by infusing courage into your soul."

"Let us ascend Calvary, burdened with the Cross but without tiring.  And let us be convinced that our ascent will lead us to the heavenly vision of our sweetest Savioor."

"When you are exposed to any trial, be it physical or moral, bodily and spiritual, the best remedy is to think of Jesus who is our life and not to think of the trial without joining it to the thought of Jesus."

"Don't draw back, and worse still, don't stop going up the Calvary of life.  Jesus will extend His hand to steady you."

"The thought of the sustaining grace of God and the prize that Jesus has reserved for you will be a sweet comfort."


"Prayer is the best weapon we possess, the key that opens the heart of God."

"The person who meditates and turns his thoughts to God who is the mirror of his souls, seeks to know his defects and tries to correct them, moderates himself in his impulses and puts his conscience in order."

"Go with your mind to Calvary and think and meditate on the victim who offers Himself to divine justice, absorbing the price of your redemption."

"While assisting at holy Mass renew your faith, have your mind elevated to the mystery that is happening before your eyes."

"If you want to assist at Mass with devotion and with fruit, think of the Sorrowful Mother at the feet of Calvary."

"When there is no time for both, meditation is to be preferred to vocal prayer, because it is more fruitful."


"Do not fear.  Jesus is more powerful than all hell.  At the invocation of His name every knee
in heaven, on earth and in hell must bend before Jesus.  This is the consolation of the good and the terror of the evil ones."

"The best means of guarding yourself against temptation are the following:  watch your senses to save them from dangerous temptation, avoid vanity, do not let your heart become exalted, convince
yourself of the evil of complacency, flee away from hate, pray whenever possible."

Blessed Mo. Teresa and Blessed Pope John Paul II joyfully bore their sufferings and their difficult

As I watched Blessed Pope John Paul II on TV,  I noticed his hand shaking which touched
made me reflect on how to accept sufferings in my own life.  By his good example, I am,
inspired to carry my cross patiently for the love of God.  Through his example, I find hope.

I heard about her mission and visited the Missionaries of Charity in their convent one day.

I was so impressed by their enthusiasm in caring for those babies and children of different ages.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta is a very good model to follow may be by our own little ways of
caring for those in need in our homes or community wherever we may be.

St. Paul the Apostle suffered imprisonment, scourging, stoning, shipwreck, and endured
 persecutions of every kind in order to the Saviour Jesus Christ known to the farthest bounds of the world.  ((Reference:  In the Footsteps of the Apostle Paul pp 49-50). 

I'm so inspired by his zeal in writing letters to make Jesus Christ known to us all.  I think I
can make my legacy by sharing the works of St. Paul to others and by practicing them in my
daily life so that I can say with St. Paul:  "I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me."
  (Gal 2:20).

Mrs. Bella Regular Ching, who died last October 8, 2012, was wheelchair bound and needed
assistance for activities of daily living due to an operation on the spine.  She suffered from
 it since her late fifties till she died at the age of 77.  I was wondering how she could live
 in such state of health that long. 

 Everytime I had health problems, I would consult her and she has a way of consoling me which made me feel all right, otherwise, she'd advise me to see a doctor.

 By her presence, her patience, her long sufferings,  I am encouraged to accept
my daily little crosses in life. 

She died in the grace of our Lord.  May she rest in peace.

My parents were my first teachers in accepting suffering.  They were the ones who first
taught me the Story of Jesus, Mary's Holy Rosary, catholic catechism until their last moment
on earth.  I witnessed how they bore the burdens of everyday life with poor health and with
meager income:  my mother, as an elementary school teacher, and my father as a maintenance
capataz in the Bureau of Public Highways in Camotes, Cebu, Philippines.

 My mother suffered so much from asthma since she was 2 years of age till her death.
 Frequently she had hard breath.  There was no cure for asthma.  I admired her dedication to service
because even when she was sick she would do her daily duties with so much care and

 My father suffered from arthritis, diabetes, lung cancer in his old age.
Although only an elementary school graduate, he won the case defending a poor land owner
against the town mayor regarding land problems.  He did not accept payment for that
due to his compassion for the poor.  He forgave his attacker who struck him on his head
with a spade while they were in the field at work.  He managed to obtain for all his
men the retirement benefits for their services in the Bureau of Public Highways.  It was
a very dangerous trip going back and forth to Cebu City for that matter because of the
rough seas and the frail boats (banca), and the junk trucks that he had to take as there were
no other means of transportation.  Before his conversion to the faith, he would hinder my
elder sisters to join any activity in the parish church.  Thanks to my mother's patience
 and perseverance in prayers, she obtained for him the grace of conversion.  Since then,
he urged us to pray the holy rosary with the whole family every day at dawn or before
bedtime. He would go to mass everyday which made me wonder (as if he was a priest).
He allowed us to join all the activities in our parish church.  When the bishop visit our
parish, he would encourage us to go see the bishop and kiss his ring.  He lent money
from the little he had even when he himself was in need.

 Both died in the grace of the Lord.  May they rest in peace.   Amen.


When you see these pictures of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Secret  Sufferings of Jesus, the saints (stigmatists or not), do you try to imitate their generosity by accepting the cross God sends you?

When afflictions come to you do you seek refuge in spiritual thoughts, seeking the help of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament?  Or at least seeking God's help in prayer, say, contemplating on Psalm 23?

PSALM 23:  THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD  (From:   Songs of Praise. Rex Printing Co. Inc.#211)

The Lord is my Shepherd
He is Lord and I am His guest.

Fresh and green are the pastures
Where He leads me to my rest.

Near peaceful waters He leads me
To cheer up my cheerless heart

He guides me on the safe path.
He will always do His part.     

Refrain:   If I should ever walk
                In the valley of darkness

                No evil would I fear
                You are there to show the way.

                 If I should ever walk
                 In the valley of darkness

                 Your crook and Your staff
                  They will lead me to the day.

You prepared a banquet
In the sight of my foes.

You pour my head with oil
And my cup now overflows/

Surely goodness and kindness
Will be with me all the way

The Lord's house for my dwelling
I will thank Him everyday.  (Ref.)

//Glory be to the Father
Glory to His only Son

Glory be to the Spirit
Glory, glory everyone//2X  (Fin)

FOR THE LOVE OF THE LORD NEVER DIES (From:  Songs of Praise #634)

Refrain:  For the love of the Lord never dies, never dies
               He will carry me home in His arms.

1.  Oh, the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want
     In green pastures He gives me repose.  (Ref.)

2.  To clear waters He leads me, refreshing my soul
      And He guides me along lighted paths.  (Ref.)

3.  Though I walk in dark valleys, I feel no alarm
      For the Lord ever stays at my side.  (Ref.)

4.  With His rod and His staff He has given me strength
      And a banquet He spreads out for me.  (Ref.)

5.  He anointed my head with the oil of His might,
     And my cup overflows with His joy.  (Ref.)

6.  Only goodness and mercy are mine all my life,
      As I dwell in the house of my God.  (Ref.)

Yes, Lord, carry me home in Your arms especially in my dying moment.  This I ask in Your most
Holy Name:  Jesus.  Amen.



Tuesday, October 9, 2012


pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


In honor of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary whose feastday we celebrate this day.

I was planning to go to the Sto. Rosario Parish, Pacita, San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines to get some pictures as well as to visit Our Lady there, but failed to go there. 

God is good.  In due time, He provides me pictures of the Blessed Virgin through Facebook friends:  Neri Toot who shared her pictures with us and permitted me to blog it here.

The very beautiful image of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Leyte was taken during their
feastday celebration. 

I'm very thankful to God for this providence:  the facebook, and all my friends on facebook who make all these things possible.

The facebook and friends makes me feel as though I was there on the ocassion without much expenses and travelling inconveniences.


I always like to hear the Word of God in the Readings and Psalm and Gospel during the Holy Mass celebrations.

I like to learn from the homilies of the priests how to live the Gospels of Christ nowadays.

To be able to focus on Christ, I should know Him first, and know Him more and more not only from
my private spiritual readings but also from homilies of the catholic priests, and not just any preacher.

The contemplation on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will
be profitable for us.
 We should  practice the virtues which Mary practiced all her life with Jesus:  humility in her "fiat"; faith mortification; charity; patience; obedience; mental prayer; sweetness;
wisdom; purity.  (Reference.  Rosary of Virtues) in order to obtain the promises of Christ for those who pray the holy rosary.
 The Holy Rosary is the easiest and surest way to God.


I like this part of the Mass because here I can chance to give my LOVE OFFERING, however small.

I'm glad there are many generous and faithful people in the world.

Focusing on Christ also means offering him our treasures, time, and talents.

My love offering could be in kind or in cash.  I should devote some time to assist at the Holy Mass.  I  should use my talents only for the glory of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

To focus on Christ means to be attentive at mass, listening and participating in singing and responding to the prayer of the presiding priest.
 It means, behaving properly inside the church as well as outside always living in the presence of God, as Mary did in her lifetime on earth.

Focusing on Christ means adoring Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist with reverence and love, as Mary did while on earth.  That is why I should know more and more about Mary in order to imitate her well.

From womb to tomb Mary always focused on Jesus.


During the Consecration of the Bread and Wine:  Striking my breast, I pray,"My Lord and my God, have mercy
on me a sinner.  Have mercy on (names of my loved ones, the sick, the suffering, especially those dying now and in the next twenty-four hours, all the priests and religious living and dead)."

I encourage everyone to do the same.

GRACES DERIVED FROM ASSISTING AT MASS (from Pieta Prayer Booklet pp.24-25)

1.  The Mass is Calvary continued.
2.  Every Mass is worth as much as the sacrifice of our Lord's life, sufferings and death.
3.  Holy Mass is the most powerful atonement for our sins.
4.  At the hour of death the Masses you have heard will be your greatest consolation.
5.  Every Mass will go with you to judgment and plead for pardon.
6.  At Mass you can diminish more or less temporal punishment due to your sins, according to your
7.  Assisting devoutly at Holy Mass, you render to the Sacred humanity of our Lord the greatest
8.  He supplies for many of your negligencies and omissions.
9.  He forgives the venial sins which you have not confessed.  The power of Satan over you is
10.  You afford the souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.
11.  One Mass heard during life will be of more benefit to you than many heard for you after your
12.  You are preserved from dangers and misfortunes which otherwise might have befallen you.  You
        shorten Purgatory.
13.  Every Mass wins for you a higher degree of glory in Heaven,
14.  You receive the priest's blessing which our Lord ratifies in Heaven.
15.  You kneel amidst a multitude of holy angels, who are present at the adorable Sacrifice
        with reverential awe. 
16.  You are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

In eternity, we shall fully realize that it was certainly worthwhile to have assisted at Holy Mass daily.  Pray for priests that they may offer the mass with holy love and reverence.

St. Bonaventure said:  "That whoever neglected our Lady would perish in his sins and would be damned."



For each Mass we hear with devotion, our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.
(revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the Great)

Once , St  Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked our Lord, "How can I thank You?"  Our Lord replied, "Attend one mass."

(Reference:  Pieta Prayer Booklet pp. 40-41)


pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

The Late President Corazon Aquino paying homage to the remains of Blessed Mother Teresa
of Calcutta.



Blessed Pope John Paul II, even at recreation time can still focus on Jesus, said:  "Let your
play, your stay in the mountains or the seaside, your trips, your carefree joyfulness, always be united
with the resolution to be good, in friendship with Jesus in the Eucharist. " (For the ChildrenWords of Love and Inspiration from His Holiness Pope John Paul II).

Those are some of my favorite Saints.  Who are yours?


Some of my favorite prayer booklets and reading materials which are really enriching.
I encourage you to read  them as well.
Alexander de Rouville
New Illustrated Edition
Revised and Edited
Matthew J. O'Connell
Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.
Translated by Fr. Adolf Faroni, SDB
by Joan Carroll Cruz
the Word to be Spoken
by Mother Teresa
Jesus Lament Over Man's Indifference
Selected and Arranged from
The Way of Divine Love
Sister Josefa Menendez
Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary
Nihil Obstat:  Msgr. Josefino S. Ramirez
Vicar General
Archdioces of Manila
Imprimatur:  Jaime Cardinal Sin, DD
Archbishop of Manila
To focus on Jesus with Mary simply means...
to know Him well
to love Him well
to serve Him well
to extend His mission well
for all
to adore Him well
in the Blessed Eucharist
forever and ever
and make His love known
throughout the world
Will you?
What are your ways to focus on Jesus?
Please add your suggestions here.
Pray for us , O Holy Mary, Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ our Lord.  Amen.
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.
St. Mary Soledad, pray for us.
Please pray for the eternal repose of the soul
*November 2, l935
+October 8, 2012
Please include in your prayers and Holy Masses the soul
Nieves Villamor Arquillano
*August 5, 1908
+October 9, 1990
My father shall have his birthday anniversary on November 5, 2012.
Please remember him in your prayers as well.  Thank you very much. 
God bless you.  Mama Mary loves you.