Thursday, October 25, 2012


When I was just a little girl, I had been suffering from asthma. 

One day, I asked my mother to send for a doctor because I suffered
from hard breath. (In those days, doctors made home visits upon request.)

All alone in the bedroom, I prayed so hard because no matter how I asked
for a doctor she'd only tell me to pray.

I prayed to God to let me die because I could not breath.  Upon praying that,
a thought came to my mind:  If I die, can I go to heaven?  So, I asked, where
is the way to heaven?  Then in my mind came the picture of Mary assumed into
heaven, so I said:  O, since I don't know the entrance to heaven, I'll just hold
on to the feet of Mary being raised up to heaven. But where is Mary?

Good thing I did not die after slashing my left wrist with a big blunt nail.
Good thing, I felt the pain, which I hate, while I tried to slash my wrist.  Then,
I told God.  Never mind.  It's more painful this way than my hard breath.
I promised myself, I'll never do it again.

God's merciful love healed me in time.

 As the years go by, more painful experiences come my way, at least now,
 I know how to accept pains, sufferings, and difficulties.

Thanks to my parents, Zacarias Arquillano Arquillano, and Nieves Leones
Villamor Arquillano who taught me about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints:
in particular, the habit of praying the Holy Rosary alone or with the family, or with
the community, and in the church.

The meditation and contemplation of the Holy Rosary really teaches us how to
practice the virtues of Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph. 

Eventually, this made me love the Holy Eucharist, participate in Holy Hours
of reparation in the Blessed Sacrament, benediction and Holy Masses:  sung or not.


I always loved this very important event in Jesus' sojourn on earth and thanks
to Blessed Pope John Paul II who added the Luminous Mysteries to the three
mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

                                             SORROWFUL AND GLORIOUS MYSTERIES 

I might have missed praying the Holy Rosary as taught cause I sufficed to say
a "HAIL MARY" or just sing it, in my haste to do so many other things like, you
know, the child's play, and in my youth, so many research work in the library,
and things not quite pleasing to God.

I am trying to make reparation for all my wrongs and neglects, with God's help.
I'd like to spend my purgatory here on earth, God-willing.

In my eagerness to make amends, God sent me, one day, someone who generously
and patiently taught me how to make Rosaries for free.  She was an old lady,
a Carmelite Tertiary member, whom I met in the Carmelite Convent in Cebu City.

She taught me where to buy the materials and what number the wire and thread should be.

Thanks God for all the people who made it possible for me to make Rosaries
 and thanks to all who receive them gladly and for those who gave
donations for this work of mercy.

Making rosaries is time consuming and I could finish only at least two or three
the whole day without break.  Through this experience, I realize how taxing it
is to those who solely do this for a living.

A sample of the new rosaries I made recently.  I wish to multiply this a million
times a million times more, God,help me.

Praying, making, and giving away rosaries  brings healing to me and to them who
cheerfully and gratefully received them.  I feel happy to see them happy.

At this point, may I invite you to share your personal faith experiences with me. 
Feel free to download materials here related to the topic.
Thanks for visiting my post.  I enjoy reading your comments and appreciate them
so much. 
You might as well like to read my other posts:
                                    ACCEPTING SUFFERINGS:  MY MENTORS
                                     FOCUSING ON JESUS WITH MARY
                                     TRUSTING IN GOD'S PROVIDENCE
                                      APPRECIATING THE GIFTS OF GOD IN US

For more information regarding the Rosary please click this link:

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