Friday, October 5, 2012


 In the year 2000, I arrived in Camella, Woodhills, San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines.

The baby I was to babysit was only one month and four days old.

One day we went to Holiday Park to visit the land where the couple planned to build their mansion.
It was an untilled land filled with cogon grass.  After three years, the couple decided to make it a leisure farm. The baby I babysit was already three years old.

Banana Trees were the first edible plants there, the horse-radish trees came next with some flowering plants and many more. Everyday we have something new to plant such as herbs, veggies, legumes and crops.

Then the concrete fence was built, the comfort room followed and the shed house which the children loved so much.

The family enjoy working, playing, recreating, and partying in the farm.  Sometimes they spend their weekends there. They also celebrate birthdays, Christmas, and social gatherings with friends in the farm.

The storms and dry seasons destroyed some plants which is why we have to keep replanting and keep improving the place.

Today, the mango trees have grown so tall and the grounds under them is fully shaded as their branches are overlapping.  Thanks God, there are plants which survive in shady areas, like the ferns which just grew there by themselves. Someday their dream of having a forest might come true.

The gotu kola now spreads wildly that's why I need to control it.  I realized it should be planted in a wide container and not on the ground.  The balbas pusa is pretty better in shady places

To keep the place always new, trimming  and digging has to be done wherever and whenever necessary to make more vermicompost; remove weeds, improve plots and many more resolutions to do. 

The stepping stones along the slope have been disarranged by the heavy rainfalls and  need time to fix.  So help me God.

In your place, what possible improvements do you need to do ?

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful.  Enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.  Send forth Thy spirit and they shall be created and Thou shall renew the face of the earth.  (Ref.  The Pieta Prayer Booklet p. 35).

Gotu Kola (Ind.) , Takip-kohol:  leaves ( eaten raw or made into a decoction or tea for rejuvenation.
Fresh leaves can be used in salads.  It has a high concentration of thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxin.
Precaution:  Avoid use for more than 6 straight weeks.  Take a 2-week break before taking the herb again.  Not recommended for children under 4 or breast feeding and pregnant mothers.  People taking sedatives or any anxiolytics should not use takip kohol as a supplement.  Nausea haas been reported at very high levels of intake.  (Reference:  Medicinal Fruits and Vegetables by Jaime Z. Galvez Tan, MD, MPH; and, Ma. Rebecca M. Galvez Tan, RN)

I tried eating two raw leaves of gotu kola as advised by my sister in Cebu City.  I felt good.  Some other time later, I tried three leaves.  Still good but I felt sleepy.  For more information about gotu kola please search the internet.

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