Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In honor of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, many catholics around the world pray it. Praise the Lord, I do.

I learned how to recite it using my rosary beads when I was in the grades.

In our hometown, San Francisco, Camotes, Cebu, Phillipines, we bring a standard with the image of Virgin Mary (Birhen sa Barangay), from house to house.  In one instance, I learned how to pray it when my father told me to lead, though I hesitated.  He told me to lead following his guidance.  That's it!  I gained self-confidence and felt accepted.  I felt I belong so, I took the opportunity to join the prayer service as much as possible every 6:oo in the afternoon.  Through this Rosary, I also gained more good friends in the neighborhood and soon became a member of the Legion of Mary.
By the fervent recitation of the Holy Rosary with my family every dawn, I learned to love the Blessed Virgin Mary and so inspired to join in any church activities:  choir member especially during Easter, Church decoration and also decorating the images of Jesus, the Nazarene,  the Sepulcher, Our Lady of Sorrows and St. John, during Lent.

 All these childhood experiences brings me closer and closer to God today no matter how many times in my youth did I go my crooked ways.  To this effect, I am encouraging everyone to pray the rosary fervently and frequently.

Our Lady of  the Holy Rosary helps us obtain the conversion of sinners, like me; and, the grace of a peaceful death as in the case of my mother who died a holy death last October 9, 1990. All her life till her death she was with her rosary.  My father, one of her converts became so devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary and her rosary, to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and to God our Father.  My father, also died a peaceful death on August 23, 1981.

To pray the rosary is to contemplate with Mary the Lord made flesh, His ministry to the public, His passion, death , and resurrection for our salvation. Contemplating on the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the joyful mysteries inspires me to be humble, detachment from places, events, things, and persons I like so much as they were humble to stay in the stable and laid Jesus in a manger; as they fled to Egypt without any provision; as Mary said her "Fiat":  (Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to Thy Word); patience as they were seeking Jesus for three days; obedience
as Jesus obeyed His parents after being found in the Temple.

Being aware of my sinfulness, I need to keep repeating these prayers:  Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary. Glory be.., O my Jesus..., Hail Holy Queen  especially because I want to die a holy death.  Do you?

OMary, Queen of the most Holy Rosary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


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