Wednesday, October 24, 2012


 HIS REAL PRESENCE (to love Jesus more and more and for Spiritual


Focusing on Jesus means adoring Him at the consecration of the bread and wine
 during the Holy Mass.
 At the time the host and wine is elevated, I pray:
 "My Lord and my God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
 Jesus, I love You, have mercy on us poor sinners in the whole world."
Then I mention the names of my family members, friends, benefactors and
especially the souls in purgatory (priests and religious).

Thanks God for the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

During the celebration of the Holy Mass, I recall to mind this event:
 Mary standing at the foot of the Cross.

 Before receiving Holy Communion, silently, I offer the Mass and communion
    for the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the intentions of the
   Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
   for the sanctification of the clergy and religious men and women,
   for the health and intentions of the Holy Father, for the conversion of sinners,
   for the sick, the suffering, and those dying now and in the next twenty-four
   for the souls in purgatory especially (NN), and for my spiritual and temporal
   for more priestly and religious vocations.

Focusing on Jesus means adoring Him in the Adoration Room where His Real
 Presence is Perpetually exposed.

In the Adoration Room, we can bear witness to our belief that Jesus is Really
 Present among us especially in the Holy Sacrament of the altar.

Our visits to the Blessed Sacrament is an expression of our appreciation and
gratitude for His Love for us being with us.

When we visit the Blessed Sacrament we acknowledge our dependency on God.

Focusing on Jesus means acknowledging that my problems are nothing
 compared to the sufferings Jesus endured in His lifetime on earth.

Learning from the saints like St. Padre Pio, and all other saints, we can better
stay focused on Christ.

Being focused on Jesus, I can bear my little daily crosses of routine, humiliations,
 lack of food, difficulties and inconveniences, failures, losses, financial needs
 and health problems.

With Jesus, I can say to the Eternal Father, "Your will be done," and feel at
peace with whatever trial God sends me.

Focusing on Jesus means adoring Jesus in my heart wherever I am, and offering everything I have (my pains, works, joys, plans) whatever I do, for Jesus.  Therefore, I should
always endeavor to be pleasing to Him.


Here, we may silently pray the Holy Rosary, pour out our troubles to the Lord
 in silence, or console Jesus being all alone in the Adoration Room everywhere
 on earth waiting for our visit, we sing silently:
                                 // O Sacrament  Most Holy
                                    O Sacrament Divine
                                    All praise and all thanksgiving
                                    Be every moment Thine
                                    Be every moment Thine.// 7X

Pray:  OUR FATHER (7x),  HAIL MARY (7x),  GLORY BE(7x)

It's always a good thing to pray for others:  our loved ones and our persecutors,
the sick, the suffering and those in their last agony, for the conversion of sinners,
the sanctication of the clergy, for more priestly and religious vocation and for
 the souls in purgatory.

Thanks God for the Adoration Rooms in our Catholic Churches everywhere.
 Many thanks to those who signed up to make their Holy Hour.

 "What we start in the Holy Mass should go on in various ways of coming with
 our Lord's Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament."
                                                                       (+Ricardo Cardinal J.Vidal, D.D.)

Focusing on Jesus also means valuing everything used by Jesus while on earth,
like for example the Olive Trees. 

Click this link and see for yourself if this would help you to focus on Jesus.

How would you like to share with me your ways in Focusing on Jesus.

I would appreciate it very much if you download materials here that would help
 us focus on Jesus.

May all the birthday celebrants of this month enjoy the blessings of being
focused on Jesus all their lives. 

St. Michael, St Gabriel, St. Raphael, and all Holy Guardian Angels and
Saints in heaven, pray for us and protect us always.  Amen.

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