Sunday, September 30, 2012


Upon rising in the morning:  Thank YOU, LORD, for this new day, this new life.
Help me to do YOUR HOLY WILL today.
Thank You for the strength, I can stand and walk, take me where You want me to be..
Thank YOU for clear vision, help me to see YOU in all YOUR creation: especially in those who need
my help today.
Thank YOU for the opportunity to lessen the burden of someone who's lonely, confused,  brokenhearted, frustrated, desperate, terminally ill, anxious, hungry, hopeless,  the  widow and the poor.
By listening to their complaints and helping them to make their own decisions and plans for
positive possible actions to solve their situation, I am building in them self-confidence and giving
them hope to carry on.  

Yesterday, I met someone in the St. Peregrine Shrine, a 42 year old lady.  My primary purpose of going to the shrine was only to take pictures of the relic of St. Peregrine, Our Lady of Sorrows, and the Adoration Room.  After taking pictures I sat outside to snack on some banana.The lady approached me asking what I was selling. I told her, "None.  I thought you are the one selling something in that yellow bag."  Then she started telling me her problem with her one and only daughter who did not finish her college and got married without her permission while she was abroad as a domestic helper just to help her daughter finish college.  As a single mom, desperate of what her daughter did, herself who can't forgive was left alone., and now with the only friend of 66 year old
woman. At first she was happy to find a house to stay, the house of this old woman who invited her to stay. As days passed by she could no longer bear the careless comments of the old woman on her favorite foods:  veggies and fruits.  Their tastes differs a lot, that is, the old woman always wanted meat which she can't eat because since she was a child her food was always veggies and fruits.  Now she feels sick of eating meat.  Everytime she cooks veggies, the old woman would call her "Baka" 
(Cow, in English), because she likes to always eat grass (veggies). We chatted for so long and in the end she was very thankful to me for my guidance. I saw her good points and appreciated them all.
She went home happily ready to serve the old woman who gave her shelter.

Thank YOU, LORD, for the gift of counsel, which helped me lessen the burden of that young lady who is a single mom and indirectly, her single housemate.  May they both live happily ever after.

REFLECTION:  Appreciating our God-given talents means practicing it; by practicing it we share it to others, the more we share it the more we are enriched.  Practice well and share well and all is well.
She trusted me !  That was our first encounter. Maybe because she just need someone to talk to who could help her find a house where she could possibly stay peacefully.  Or maybe she found me sincere and friendly.  Praise the Lord for all these gifts.

Most Loving Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son , His Cross and our Lady of Sorrows whose
sufferings inspires us to bear our own crosses and sufferings and pains which we daily experience from our need to eat and drink; the need to work for a decent living.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit Who help us love others for the love of You in Jesus name.  Amen.

Horseradish (Malunggay) the leaves are very rich in calcium and iron, and a good source of
potassium and ascorbic acid.  It's good to be a vegetarian.  Be.



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