Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It's Tuesday.  I've to be in the farm early.  Taking a public ride twice.  First, take a jeep from Woodhills to the terminal.  Then, take the metro express going to Holiday Park.  Upon arrival, feed the chicken and paid the water bill.  Thanks God, it's only the minimum. 

The weather is fine.  No rain, yet the soil still wet, I can do digging without much effort.  Plant more herbs:  chili (hot pepper), tarragon tea, italian oregano, green tea.  Add compost to the fruit trees, then harvest.  It's good to have happy  leafy vegetables for dinner with lemon grass, pandan and many more.  Guavas, oranges, yam, guyabano and atis made my homebound load pretty heavy.  And for Lola Bella, an ailing aged lady, some flowers of some herb called "Balbas Pusa", and Taheebo.

 It's fun to work in the garden although it's muddy, slippery and hot under the sun.

Reflection:  Love labor and do it well.  Great rewards will come sooner or later.
Share your abundant life to all who need it, like giving some of your harvest to the ailing and the aged.

Abba Father, I thank YOU for the abundant blessings of today.  Bless us more and more so we can share to more people who need.  This I ask through our Lord.  Amen.
King Orange, Mandarin Orange, or Tangerin Orange.  (Rich in Vitamin C).

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