Friday, September 21, 2012


The day is fine. 
God made the sun shine. 
The smiling sun is not quite hot.
 The soil dried up a bit, yet it is soft enough to dig.
 I chanced to plant oregano around  to fill up empty spaces. 
And beautify the place.

It's fun working in the farm
And do my best to heal the land.
I love this job
Planting herbs, fruit trees and shrubs.
Produce in time the fruits and veggies we need
for rich or poor, young and aged.

Camote tops, we have so plenty,
Gotu Kola, lemon grass, and tarragon tea.
Horseradish trees, jute, cayenne,amaranth,
with camote tops comprise the the super five veggies
So happy to see them growing with different fruit trees.

Planting is enjoyable and I'm having fun in the farm.
Praise the Lord for the land to work with..


 Do you like to work in the farm?
Our world today is  beset by many ecological problems
we have abused our resources, flooding everywhere,
our planet so polluted, how can you help to solve this problem?

Thank YOU, LORD, for planet earth,
for people taking care of plants and help us heal our land.
Stay with us, LORD, help us restore the cleanliness, purity and beauty of our planet.
May all the people bless you more and more
with all other creatures in this world to honor and glorify YOU, our Triune God forever and ever.
In Jesus' name.  Amen. 

Soursop (Guyabano-Ilk, Ibn, Tag.) eaten raw when ripe is rich in sugar, Vitamins B and C, contains phytosterols, saponins, mineral salts, tannins.
Green fruits may be cooked like jackfruit., such as ginataan,or lumpia.
Propagation:  seed, could be marcotted and grafted

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